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writing since the early sixties. He has won numerous awards,
including the Hugo and the Nebula. His important works include
"Lord of Light," "Creatures of Light and Darkness," the Amber
series (old and new), "Roadmarks," and most recently "A Night
in Lonesome October." He also has three short story
collections. In addition to his writing, he also does readings
of his books for cassette. So far he has done seven of the
Amber books, and the eighth is in the works.
influence on his writing. He began reading SF when he was 11,
tried writing early on, but had little time to truly pursue it
seriously. Several early authors influenced him. Henry
versatile. Zelazny also read everything from fantasy to
different styles and genres. Stanley Weinbaum's stories showed
writing, and this is something Zelazny believes is very
important. He also thinks that once you set your style, you are
less likely to be influenced by other authors. Despite that, he
still reads galleys to keep up and be current with the field.
He also reads a bewildering variety of non-fiction, usually
about 16 books at once. At least one is history because he
what happened to it in the past. Others include science, life
sciences, biographies, poetry collections, and mainstream
books. Since he reads a bit of each at once he gets a better
synthesis, a view of things that adds depth to his writing.
security services for seven years, it did not diminish his
ability to write lyrically. His time spent getting a Master's
ability to use different styles. He also wrote poetry before he
began to write SF seriously, which added to the smoothness of
his writing.
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